Monday, February 7, 2011

Subclasses and Superclasses in Ruby

So last night I began learning about Classes and inheritance. A class can only inherit from one other class. Makes sense, but the thing I was wondering about all day is this:

Say you have a parent class with a child class, that child class (child1) has a child class of its own.(child2) I am sure this kind of thing is a regular occurrence. So does child2 also inherit from the parent class in addition to inheriting from child1? My guess was yes, it does. So I came home and whipped up some code to test this theory.

class Pet
  def method1
    puts "I am a good pet."

class Cat < Pet
  def method2
    puts "I am a cat. Meow!"

class Oskar < Cat
  def method3
    puts "I am the BEST cat of all time."

oskar =

puts "Oskar says:"

Success! Oskar is a child of the Cat class, which is a child of the Pet class, and Oskar inherits all the logic from the previous generations. Just as I suspected. So a class can only inherit directly from one class, as in Oskar < Cat, but it inherits directly from all classes that come before its parent in the great circle of life.

Is there a bit of code to list all the inherited logic for a particular class? Also, what do you call more than one child class? Childs? Children? Chirren?

1 comment:

  1. Subclass is usually what you call child classes. And superclass is the parent class.

    Oskar.superclass #=> Cat
    Cat.superclass # => Pet

    You can also see the entire superclass hierarchy by calling ancestors.

    Oskar.ancestors # => [Oskar, Cat, Pet]

    Ruby doesn't give you an easy way to from superclass to subclasses, but it's not too hard and Rails' ActiveSupport libarry makes it ridiculously easy.

    require 'active_support'
    Cat.subclasses # => [Oskar]

    You might try naming all your method's something like details, and then you can make each method call it's superclass method's detail method, like so:

    class Pet
      def details
        puts "I am a good pet."

    class Cat < Pet
      def details
        puts "I am a cat. Meow!"

    class Oskar < Cat
      def details
        puts "I am the BEST cat of all time."

    This is when subclassing gets really interesting.
